How to take better photos of yourself for social media


YOU are the best thing about your business! You’re also the only thing that no one can ever replicate. So let people know who you are, and what it’s like to work with you with great photos! Here are a few tips for how you can elevate your selfie game, using your mobile phone.

  1. Get a tripod or selfie stick. This one combines both. It’s a great tool for photos and hands-free video!
  2. Position the camera slightly above you. We’ve all been a little scared by that accidental glimpse of ourselves when holding the camera under our chin. Keep the camera high!
  3. Use Natural Light. It’s softer and easier than setting up a flash. Here are a few surefire ways to find great light.
  • Look for shade, and stand at the edge of it. This allows for even lighting across your face, and a light reflection in your eyes (catchlights are the best!)
  • Shoot yourself facing a window or in a doorway.
  • Avoid trees if the shadows are casting dappled light. This will cast funky shadows and highlights, obscuring your face.


4. Think about composition. When it comes to photos, being centered isn’t always better. Our eyes are drawn to an image more when the subject is placed to the side. You can read more about the Rule Of Thirds here.

5. Think about your brand personality. If you’re a casual person, and you teach yoga and love to hang out with your dogs, maybe ditch the suit and heels. Business photos don’t have to be formal. Show the world who your really are!

6. Edit your photos. On mobile, my favorite apps are VSCO and Afterlight. I also love A Beautiful Mess and Canva for adding cute graphics or quotes to your images!

Hope these tips help you create some gorgeous photos. And if this sounded like a lot of work, you can always book a professional! Learn about our amazing The Personal Brand Experience!



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