Designer Behind Caden Lane – Katy Mimari


Katy is one of my closest and dearest friends. She’s also the super talented designer behind Caden Lane, as well as owner of the cutest baby boutique in San Antonio. I’m always inspired by her, by the way she manages to juggle two booming businesses, as well as three kids and then has the nerve to look all cute while doing it! She’s like a powerhouse of creativity. So I was super excited to work with her on this new project together. We updated her photos, and are building a personal website / brand that will highlight her as a designer and speaker. She built both companies from nothing, and is a wealth of knowledge on everything from designing fabric to managing employees, to manufacturing overseas. It’s awesome to see her sharing her expertise with the world!



If you’re curious about a branding session, I’d love to hear from you! xo

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